Monday, June 7, 2010

Some say a picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words is 365 worth? I have one of the worst memories that I can remember of anyone so I'm gonna try and remember my life through a lense. From the most random to the most mondane I enjoy each and every picture I take and I am excited to go on this yearlong journey through the lense of my camera. A picture to me can last a lifetime and this year hopefully that same picture can help me look back on things I've accomplished, times I've messed up, and times of normality in my life. So feel free to follow me on this journey into my year and my less than normal life.

Here's just a few pictures starting for the first couple days of my project. Random to most people but every one of them is a memory for me and holds a story. I encourage everyone to go out and record your own history.


Whitney said...

I love them! And think that is a great idea!

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